Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Google Maps - Is there a 12C ????!!!!!!!!

A trip that turned out to be an adventurous one because of Google Maps!!!

I was all set on a trip to an unknown place by searching google maps beforehand (10 days prior to my travel). I took multiple print outs of the onward and the backward routes so that not to get confused on my way even though I had the option of accessing google maps from my phone. 

At 6.45 AM: Reached the bus stop from where I should board the bus.

(To a passerby girl, as there were two bus stops)

My bus 12C is supposed to arrive by 6.56 AM. Where is the bus stop here for 12C towards Saligramam?
Is it 5C or 12C? Hardly, I have heard of 12C.
I am sure that its 12C because I checked in google maps.
Oh ok, so then wait in this bus stop. Your bus will arrive.

(After 10 min of wait, since there were no hints of 12C coming towards the stop, to a boy)

I need to get into 12C bus, but it seems that it’s not arriving at this stop. Is this the right bus stop where I am standing?
( Raising his eye brows) I don’t think that there is a bus named 12C. Is it 5C or 12C?
No, it’s 12C. (Taking out the print out of google maps) See the map. The map says that this is the bus stop where I should wait. This is the bus that I should board into. Am I right?
Yes, right.
So, now tell me, where is this stop and when is the bus coming?
Now it’s 7.05AM. Wait for some more time. Your bus may come.

(Further after 10 min, no hints of 12C coming towards the stop, to an auto-driver)

I want to get into 12 C bus but there are no signs of this bus.
Where do you want to go?
Saligramam by 12C bus.
You can’t go to saligramam from here. There is no 12C bus from this stop.
(Showing the google maps) See the map. Is this written as 12C and this the bus stop where I should wait, right?
But you can’t go from here to that place and there is no 12C.

(Auto driver calling another nearby auto driver and asking)

A.driver 1 
She wants to go to saligramam by 12C. Tell her that there is no straight bus and there is no 12C.
A.driver 2 
You have no 12C in this stop and you can't take straight bus from here. You have to change buses to go to that stop.
(Showing the google maps again) Please, give answer for this.
A.driver 2 
Someone has given you the wrong paper in your hands.
I just want 12C. I don't want any other routes. Tell me how to get 12C.

(A.driver 1 to the 2nd auto driver)

A.driver 1 
I have seen a new bus coming these days. It may be that bus.
A.driver 2 
May be, but that bus does not come to this stop. She has to go to the next stop.
A.driver 2  
(To me) Please, go to the next stop and board your bus.

By seeing a three way road at the next stop, I got quite confused. Where should I wait now for boarding the bus! It was getting quite gruesome. After seeing 3 traffic policemen, I ran into one and showed google maps and asked him where the stop to wait is. He showed me the stop. I was waiting there for 10 minutes again. No signs of bus coming. And I saw a schoolboy standing for bus and asked him,

When is 12C coming?
Is it 12C or 5C?
12C to Saligramam
That bus doesn’t come here.

(Another lady overhearing the conversation and coming for help)

You don’t have 12C here and you can’t go straight from here to saligramam.
(Showing the google maps again), Is this the place where I am standing (pointing to the second place after the bus stop, which I stood earlier).
Now tell me how to catch 12C. I am waiting for this bus from 6.45 AM. But the bus didn’t come.
Take a bus and go to the third stop from here, get down, take left again and cross the road. You will get 12C there in the stop.

(Painfully without knowing the other way, I got into some bus which came over)

I want to go to saligramam. I want to get into 12C. How should I go?
You don’t have 12C from here.
(Showing the google maps again), please look at this.
There is no 12C from here.
Ok, then give me a ticket to 3rd stop from here.

(After getting down at the third stop, I saw a four way road and confused which road to take and so to a girl passing by)

I want to get into 12C Saligramam. Where should I stand?
I don’t know. I am new to this place like you.
(Showing the google maps again to the girl) Am I standing in any one of the places mentioned in the map here?
I am not sure. Probably, you need to ask someone else about this.

(Seeing a bus named 12C passing by, I started running after the bus and got into the bus)

Where do you want to go?
This bus will not go to Saligramam. You should have asked someone before getting into the bus.
But google maps……(showing the google maps again)
Please get down, cross the road and go to the bus stop nearby. You will find some bus.

(Completely enervated and without knowing where to go…found a bus stop nearby and to a lady waiting in the bus stop)

Do you know if a bus named 12C comes to this stop?
Where do you want to go?
I don’t know if the bus goes to Saligramam, but 12C comes to this stop. Wait for some time.

(Few min later, as there were no signs of bus, I approached a police lady standing nearby)

I want to go to Saligramam by 12C. Will that bus come to this stop?
P. Lady     
Yes, it comes and it is not frequent like the other buses. When do you want to reach your destination?
At 10 AM.
P. Lady    
Don’t worry. You have plenty of time left over. It’s just 8.30 AM now. Whatever reason you are going for, it will go on smoothly. I will tell you when the bus arrives. Wait in the bus stop for some more time.

(Bus arrived after sometime)

P. Lady     
Your bus has arrived.
(With a smile) Thank You.

(In bus, to the conductor)

(Mentioning my destination and asking for a ticket) Sir, I do not know when my destination arrives. Could you please let me know when it arrives?
(After issuing the ticket) Yes sure. But this bus will not go the destination that you are asking for.
You have to get down in another stop and walk towards your destination. (Conductor to the nearby girl) Please, do let her know when the particular stop comes over.
(To me) Where do you want to go?
Saligramam. (By showing the google maps) Do you know any of the places mentioned in the google maps here? Where am I now?
Don’t worry. I know the place in the map which is mentioned prior to your destination. I am going through that route. So when the stop arrives, I will let you know.

 (Stop arrives and girl told me)

This is not the stop which you were asking for. So take right and walk towards the main road. You will find your destination.
Thank You. 

(Walking towards the right and then towards the main road. My stop is there. Yayyyy!!!!)

@ Google maps: You told me that I have to take just a 12C from my place and so I could reach my destination in half an hour. I started at 6.45AM and now it’s around 9AM. Where is the 12C that you mentioned !!!!!!!!?

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